
(圖多,中文也多 )

Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs is a traditional food in Taiwan. The soup is slow-cooked in Chinese medicine, extracting the essence from pork bones. We believe it's good for health especially it can warm you in cold weather. The point of this dish is soup, and there is no much meat on those lean bones. Please pick the bones up with your hands and suck the juicies from the bones. Don't be shy because it’s odd not to do so. Welcome to Taiwan to taste our wisdom of medicinal herbs cuisines. 

<Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs, Raohe St. Night Market, Taipei>


我的饒河街必吃美食又一發,"陳董藥燉排骨",喜歡它清爽不油膩且微甜微鹹的藥膳湯頭,沾點豆瓣醬的排骨肉真是別有風味。我在冬天吃通常會續湯,續湯免費,好有人情味又暖心的服務 💕。加上二位男老闆人很客氣,非常欣賞這種待客之道。一般而言,一碗湯裡面會同時有二種不同部位的排骨,一種是直直長長的肋排,肉就包在骨頭二側;另一種是排骨,就是不規則形狀的骨頭肉,通常會有一處一口大小的純肉可以咬。如果有特別喜好那種類型的排骨,點餐時可以跟老闆提醒噢!來到台灣,不妨嘗嘗我們藥膳入菜的智慧吧。 




但每次點餐總是脫口而出:二排(行話,二碗藥燉排骨的意思),接著就帥氣轉身或坐下,我好不懂自己究竟為什麼要這麼假猴愛耍帥..... Orz





Sauce with a little bit sweet. 





Billboard and menu, you can see two big red words "陳董". NT$70, around 2.5 USD.




All Photos are taken by Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR



*[Street food stand]

No English name, billboard showed two big red word "陳董"


Take MRT green line to Songshan Sation ,EXIT 5, about 1 mins walk to the Raohe St. Night Market. This street food stand is in the middle site.










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